Who We Are - Claims Website

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Who We Are

Our name says it all.   We are General Adjusters with extensive experience in the lines that we serve.  

Our management has been in the insurance claim adjusting business since 1967.  We have served  most insurance carriers, domestic and surplus, over forty (40) + years.   Our adjusters have no less than ten years experience in their claims field. Our experience covers all  property & casualty lines.

We have sat on both sides of the claim adjusting desk and we fully understand what must be delivered to our clients - all at a fee that the client thinks is reasonable.

Our  absolute belief is that we must deliver as agreed or you will not continue to allow us to serve you. We do not publish "gobbledegoop" about mission statements, guiding principals,  and " promises made " that clients know are just "sales words"  and then fail to deliver.

We will deliver your product on time and at a fee that is extremely competitive.

We offer "real time" web based claim information 24/7 in a secure environment available to anyone that you designate for access.  

We know that you expect competent, timely, accurate, comprehensive claim files at a fair price and that is what we deliver.

Take the time and look at our Home Page historical claim photographs that represent a small portion handled over forty (40)+ years.  
Visit the Our Services and the Contact Us/Assign Claim pages and give our "seasoned" General Adjusters a try.   

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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